I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!!.
While there are tons of “better” things in this world than
ice cream (newborn baby, free shiny car, hot date, etc); it’s just one of those
wonderful simple pleasures we all share.
Think of this, it’s universal-- You can travel to different cultures and be
faced with really random and sometimes scary cuisine, but give a child (old or
young) a dish or cone of ice cream and the cultural differences fade away- There is just something about it that makes
you smile! Have you ever seen anyone
angrily eating ice cream? I think not--
In my quest to conquer all things domestic, I have embarked
upon mastering the art of ice cream. I
have two ice cream makers now. I have a
little 1.5 quart unit that has to sit in the freezer for 24 hours (it has that
gel inside the freezer bowls) and the big 6 quart machine that sadly looks like
a demented ice cream cone, complete with plastic cone shaped ice bucket. So I am prepared to feed the masses!
The freezer maker is actually quite easy to use (make sure
you actually assemble it correctly though, it can be a huge mess)- it’s drawback is the 24 hour notice you’ll
need, hard to accommodate spur of the moment ice cream making unless you allow
it to constantly hog precious freezer space.
The bigger unit is cool, it can be used pretty much whenever… but it is
a HUGE mess. HUGE… Funny, when I was making ice cream all of
those years back at Camp Wapanacki using their old crank machine (and even
funnier how the counselors were the ones actually stuck turning the dang crank
for hours), I never noticed the mess, but then again we were out in the woods
and not in my kitchen.. I’ve noticed
that they now sell cool units that are both motorized and crank, I might have
to invest in machine #3 someday. Then I
can gather a bunch of people and make THEM crank that thing for hours while I
run around and play.. That sounds fun..
I’ve been planning to make strawberry ice cream since we
went picking on Sunday. I love picking
fruit in the sun. Give me a basket and I’m
good to go. I think I might have been a migrant worker or gypsy in a former
life as I just feel the need to gather large quantities of grown items no
matter the season. I’m passing this onto
my children as well, so when my great great great great grandchildren sit
around on their hovercrafts picking fruit from the floating strawberry bushes,
they’ll understand where this came from.
Yay! Done! Except now Ellie has realized that I am
making “honey” (don’t ask me why she calls it this. I actually kind of like the
name and it’s sort of stuck so if you hear anyone in my family saying they want
honey, it’s not actually the sticky amber colored stuff out of the teddy bear
container), and she has attached herself to my leg chanting honey, me honey,
want honey. So, now I have ice, rock
salt, briny mess, ribbons, cardboard, drawer stopper things, and soft serve “honey” all over the kitchen-- My first thought was to scoop her up, wailing,
and pop her into the tub, but the kid in me took over. Needless to say I said screw it and we
enjoyed eating our ice cream off the spatula and wooden spoon as I cleaned out
the barrel-- And it tasted GREAT!
After getting Ellie in her bath and bed (she was asleep in
about 2.5 minutes), tackling the kitchen mess and making my dinner, it was time
to relax. I can happily say that I still
got some couch time, some Cold Case time and while I sat there eating homemade
strawberry ice cream, I can honestly say that it was all worth it. So, maybe I won’t put it up on Ebay just
And yah, I’ll do it again and again and again.. Although
next time I might opt for the little freezer unit!
We bought Gay an ice cream maker for Mothers Day this year. Nothing beats fresh ice cream especially when you eat it right from the maker before it hardens! Yummy. I never make it because I have an old style one that requires salt and ice and like you seems to always get hosed up and makes a huge mess. Maybe I will buy myself a new fancy one for Father's Day ;)