This quote popped into my head this morning while I was helping
Gabe find a website on the computer. As
I sat there waiting for the page to load, he climbed up in chair with me and
just sort of hung on like a little monkey in my lap. While he was doing this, I had the clear impression
that he was asking if he could keep me.
Could I stay as his, could he add me to his memories, thus holding onto
me forever. It is so infrequent that he “gets
me all to himself”, I knew that this was one of those moments I could never
forget, nor ever wish to trade. It was
fleeting as he popped off my lap in search of food not a minute later, but that
brief period of time was all ours, it was perfect.
And to a point, it has to, or we’d all become hoarders. There is a fine line between pack rat and
hoarder, so you work hard to keep yourself on the safe side. After all, you know that you don’t look good
on TV and who wants TLC following you around exploiting your personal stuff to
the world anyway..
So we gather and purge, gather and purge-- it’s just stuff, right? It can
be replaced thanks to Ebay if you truly regret getting rid of that Rubadub
Dolly you loved as a child. Granted it
won’t be the same one you had (I don’t believe anyone else could sharpen those
fingers as well as I could or gnaw on her nose as effectively), but you could
have it again if you absolutely needed to see its matted hair one more time.
But, can you purge people?
Sure I guess you can and I guess there might be enough people in your
life that could be considered “toxic” enough to warrant purging. But your memories are there, you’ve kept
them. No matter how hard you try, you
can’t truly get rid of them (yes, I know Hollywood
says you can, there have been enough movies saying so, but in the real sense
they are always there). And good or bad,
I guess they helped make up who you have become today.
And unlike tangible things, you can’t sell them for money,
pass off onto another family member (although some would argue you can) or truck
them off to the green center for recycling--
Like it or not, you are in for the long haul. And like anything you cannot change, you
learn to adapt, to work with.
What I am getting at is that sometimes you might not want a
person or memory in your physical world anymore, but getting rid of the memory of them
is just as impossible as ripping up a carpet in a rental apartment. So, rather than sit and be miserable; find a
way to make it work and not stand out so much.
Awesome my friend <3