Thursday, August 15, 2013

Waiting For The Time When I Can Finally Say...

....This has all been wonderful; but now I am on my way...
 (Phish; Down with Disease--I have borrowed this from them as this phrase has been roaming in my head for weeks)

I have writers’ block.  I have thoughts swirling around my poor brain and no way to organize them to put them forward in a linear, understandable thought.  I have so much to say, yet not enough to open my mouth and let it be heard.   I am introspective today and feel that before I can get back to writing inanities like my ice cream machine or the randomness that is my life, maybe I need to get this out of the way.

I have changes on the horizon.  I am moving away from the seacoast.  I am going back home to be closer to my family.  I have missed out on so much in my past few years living so far away and it is time for me to return for a while or maybe longer.  I have no plans other than to make some changes.   

It is good-  It feels weird to leave, but it feels good to go back.  

I left my home after college for the seacoast.  I was smarter than my parents of course and ready to strike off on my own.  I had a shiny new college degree and a head full of ideas and dreams.   And while I cannot say I fulfilled everything my 23 year old self intended to achieve, I can’t say I didn’t live out my dreams.   I had fun, so much fun.  I met people, I danced (and danced), I got into trouble (innocent trouble of course) and grew up.  I learned to accept things I cannot change nor control and how to move on when it is time to go.  

I found love, marriage, children and career.  I’ve struggled with big decisions, but I’ve had to release some things that are painful and wrong for me and remember when it is time to go.

And now;  It’s time to go.  My pull home is stronger than the glue I had holding me here.  I return back wiser than when I left as I know now that I still have much to learn.  My college degree is now dusty in a box holding my memories.  I’m ready to make some fresh memories.  New adventures, not as a shy girl in her early 20s, too afraid to truly put herself out there and let people enjoy the fun and silliness she is capable of; but as me.  

 The ME that I’ve become as I’ve become a grown up.  A confident me, a happy me, an amazing me. 


  1. If you only knew now what you knew then..... yea yea yea... lol.

    Life.... A journey that continues with yet more unknown challenges yet to face, new people to meet, new relationships to have..

    And yes, more disappointments, failures and trials. BUT, these are the things that make us stronger and teach to learn and grow and overcome without total meltdown.

    We can always have goals and ambitions, but don't live life where you expect that you HAVE to meet those now or then... or then... or then...

    You move forward with your head high, and always have the beautiful smile on your face. Those who know you will smile with you and those who don't know you will smile from a distance and just feel happier.

    You are a great person. I am excited for you as you continue with this journey in life. This is not a new journey, but one that continues from where you left off yesterday.

    Besides, you aren't all that grown up yet.. I hope.....

  2. Thanks Darel-- such incredible words from an incredible friend.. I do thank you for your support and encouragement..

  3. Beautifully written Heather! It is true that we have that quiet inner voice and it screams to be heard. We know when change is necessary and it is difficuly to leave the comfort of our day to day routine and to dust ourselves off and change grow and be a better self... I am always here for you Heather! Best wishes on your new life and a big congrats on your powerful and challenging set of changes!

    Love ya! K
