Monday, November 10, 2014

Run Run Ruldolph...Part 1

Finally!  It’s the holiday season YET again.  I am so excited this year for Christmas-which is amazing since I am excited for Christmas every year, so if I am saying I am excited already, you know I am at like 198.5% more excited than in years past.

This year is a year of all sorts of sorts…  I figure that this might be the last year of the FULL magic of the big man in the red suit for both of my children at the same time.  

Ellie is 4, she finally gets it.  She was riding the happy wave last year in Gabe’s wake, but this year, she is standing firm on her own about the awesomeness that is Christmas.  Her excitement could fuel a jet plane, nay, Santa’s sleigh itself.  She is ready, she is watchful and she’s determined to catch someone on Christmas Eve to incarcerate in her lair of babies and princess shoes.

Gabe is almost 8.  He’ll be a week shy of turning 8 on Christmas (Yup, New Year’s baby for those of you who don’t know know me), so I am sadly figuring this is his last year of shiny faced belief.  Who knows, he might be already questioning, but bless his heart, he hasn’t breathed a syllable of this to me. But, I am realizing that by next year, he’ll be watching me too closely.. he’ll start tracking my poor attempts at being sly and eventually catch me in a twisted explanation so convoluted that I have no hope of finding a way out without blowing my cover.  That and I am incapable of telling a good lie.  Santa’s suit has nothing on the amount of redness I turn while trying to weave a good yarn of halftruths.

So, I’ll revel in this maybe last year of unquestioned magic in my home.  And I will enjoy EVERY single moment of it. They will write books about me, perform seminars extolling the spirit to which I have festooned upon others.  It will be MAGICAL in my home, not only for my children, but for myself as well.   

I have my oatmeal bought, glitter ready and google eyes poised to make our Reindeer Food complete with Reindeer jars for easy storage.  I have been stockpiling on fun craft ideas to do on those boring December nights while we wait impatiently for The Grinch, Charlie Brown and Frosty to come on.  Our elves, Antoadio and Elfie (although, I am willing to lay money down that her name will become Elsa before this holiday is over), are preparing to return in a few weeks.  They have been preparing a special bag for each child to welcome themselves back to our home. I’m already scoping out fun places they can move to each night that will keep them safe from Abu or Oscar’s (helpful) paws.  I do have plenty of cinnamon ready, however, should they find themselves in someone’s hand, paw, or mouth- Our elves do not follow the path some of their peers do, though.  Our elves might be “boring” in comparison, but they choose not to be naughty (My children fulfill that requirement already!!) Instead they are mischievous in their hiding spots, sometimes bringing back a North Pole treat to let Gabe and Ellie know that Santa is watching through their eyes and is pleased.  

And I’m happy, so very happy this year.  I’m always happy, I know, but this year…again, the % is through the roof.  I have so many people in my life that I get to share my happiness with.  I have a baby niece on the way, although she’ll find us in time for St. Pat’s Day, not quite for Christmas, but the joy is still there.  I have new friends, family and LOVES to enjoy this season with.  It’s truly going to be a magical time.  I have so many wonderful plans, surprises and treats to share! 

Christmas has IT for me, the happiest and best time of year.  I promise to do it up proudly. Not over the top, just magical.  I know I’ve used that word a lot, but that is the only way I can sum up how I am feeling this year.  The pieces are in place at last and it’s time to make some memories…

To be continued!

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