Before I share my life lesson, I need to give a fast back story--
When my Dad and Jeremy changed out my car door (remember Car Yoga?), we did not change out the door lock thingy in the door. Basically that means that the key that starts my car does not open my door. Saab also only equips ONE door with a key thingy, so that means you cannot gain entrance via other doors with your key. The Saab people were also so worried about multiple key door usage issues, that they also did NOT put a key thing on the trunk either. That day, back in early June I think it was, my father turned and looked at me and told me to A. NEVER run out of batteries on my key fob thing as it will be the only method to allow me to gain access to my car and B. consider NEVER locking my car ever. ever.
So, that was months ago. During this time, I locked my car doors. I did.. alot.. I used my key fob like a wild woman: lock, unlock, and repeat..
Then one day I turned off the car, took the key out of the ignition and the radio kept playing. Hmmmm.. I put the key back in, back out, back in, back out and finally it turned off. I figured it was an isolated incident and went on with life.

We got into a routine, my car and I.. Sometimes everything turned off ok, sometimes I had to inflict brut strength, but it worked well and I continued to lock my car.
Until that day....
I had a day off from work (was actually scheduled to get repairs done to said car but had to cancel at the last moment) and had decided to go out to the grocery store in the middle of cellular service nowhere. I parked my car, turned it off successfully and locked the door. Off I went--
When I came out of the store, I popped the trunk using my key thing and put in the groceries and CLOSED my trunk as a normal person does. I went to unlock my door: nothing. I tried again: nothing.. I tried the trunk again thinking I could climb through: nothing. At this point, I call my dad who tells me to go to the hardware store (conveniently located right next door in the same little mini mall) and try to get a new battery. Hardware store doesn't have the right size (??? what???).. go back to Market Basket with my key fob taken apart and start analyzing batteries, candles, tea lights, anything that might take the right size-- No luck.

A new layer to my car, sometimes the radio will go off, but that little metal circle in the center still doesn't pop up. Good to know.. better to remember not to lock my car anymore. I believe my father made himself clear this time. I guess I should listen because I have a feeling that I might be spending more time waiting for rescue the next time..
So...any would be robbers, feel free to steal what you want, that's fine.. but do me a favor and clean up the back seat while you are in there and if you think of it, beat up the ignition for a moment or two just to make sure I'm not killing my battery, ok?